
The intestinal tract has an influence on the immune system and the emotional centre

Due to its shape, the functionality and importance of our digestive system is often underestimated. However, it has a massive impact on our physical and mental health. About 80 percent of our immune defence cells live in our intestinal tract. It holds trillions of microorganisms, that help to provide essential nutrients to our body. The intestine is surrounded by a plexus: Neurons in the intestine are similar to the neurons in our brain and spinal cord. 

Our products for a healthy intestinal tract at a glance
Ballaststoff Komplex

Ballaststoff Komplex (Dietary fibre complex)

  • Three plant-based, complementary, water-soluble dietary fibers: guar fibers, acacia fibers and resistant dextrin from corn

  • Over 450 scientific studies on dietary fibers

  • Neutral taste and easily soluble

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