Oat beta-glucans reduce blood cholesterol levels*
B vitamins contribute to various functions related to the heart and blood formation3, 4, 5
erbal cholesterol reducer*

Content: 224 g powder
Vegan. Free from lactose, gelantine and colorants.
Cholesterinreduktion from Dr. Wolz contains beta-glucans from oats that have been developed according to the latest researches. The herbal product gives you the opportunity to lower your blood cholesterols in a natural way. You can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by lowering elevated blood cholesterol levels.
Therefore, this preparation is suitable for everyone who wants to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by lowering their cholesterol levels in a completly natural way. Blood fats, and especially cholesterol, are often blamed for the development of vascular diseases or heart attacks.
What does Cholesterinreduktion contain?
Bioactive beta glucans from oats
Dr. Wolz uses special oats from Scandinavia with a particularly high percentage of cholesterol lowering beta-glucans. Up there in the far north they have ideal conditions to ripen. While growing, they need a damp, cool climate with plenty of rain and sunshine, as well as plenty of light and long days during the ripening period. Only the combination of a special oats combined with the Nordic climate and its special preparation results in the desired high beta-glucan content of about 22 percent. Commercially available oats only contain up to three to five percent. The cholesterol-lowering effect of a daily consumption of 3g of beta-glucans from oats has been proven in many clinical tests.

Content: 224 g powder
Vegan. Free from lactose, gelantine and colorants.
Oats with 23% beta-glucans, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, folic acid, vitamin B12.
Recommended intake
Stir 16 g (4 level measuring spoons) into milk or yoghurt. Cholesterol reduction also tastes good when sprinkled over muesli or cereal and milk at breakfast time. You could also make yourself a celicious Milkshake with Cholesterol reduction Dr. Wolz and seasonal fruits using lactose-free milk and soy milk. A combination of fruit Juices of your choice or still water can also be used.
A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important for health.
*Oat beta-glucan lowers and reduces blood cholesterol levels. Lowering cholesterol levels can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
2 Beta glucans contribute to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels.
3 Vitamin B1 contributes to normal heart function
4 Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 contribute to the normal formation of red blood cells.
5 Folic acid contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism and normal blood formation.